Nous sommes le mardi 23 avril 2024
Fiche société
Nom de la société :
Tataouine Oilfield Services
Secteur d'activité :
Industrie & Energie > Hydraulique & Mécanique
Dirigeant :
Hassen Ben Ghazi
Adresse :
B1.1 Immeuble ACCESS BUILDING 1st floor Jardins du Lac 1053 TUNIS
Téléphone :
+216 71 26 83 80
Fax :
+216 71 26 83 88
Descriptif :
Founded recently in Tunisia and based in Tataouine, Tataouine Oilfield Services «TOS» has established a solid reputation as a committed provider of Tubular Running Services to the oil and gas industry. The company has developed into a fast-growing local service company employing highly-skilled personnel and developing a local work force from the region.
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